Feng Shui – Home Consultations
Enhance the Enjoyment of your Home
Do you want more energy or balance in your life? Are you moving into a new home? Merging households or downsizing? Consultations available for:- Homes, Condos and Apartments
- Home Remodeling
- Pre-Purchase Analysis for Home Buyers
- Staging a Home for Sale
- Long Distance Consultations by Phone

Consultations are tailored to your specific needs including:
- Floor plan review and personal interview to determine your lifestyle, essence, and goals.
- Exterior and interior Feng Shui analysis with practical solutions to remedy negative influences.
- Feng Shui arrangement of furniture and decor for optimum efficiency, harmony, and positive energy flow.
- Personal direction chart (Ming Gua) to maximize your best directions.
- Color Design to create rooms that flow harmoniously from one room to the next.
- Space Clearing to remove stagnant or previous occupant energy in your home.
- Bagua “Life Aspiration” map to identify key areas such as health, wealth, career, and relationships with design elements to support achieving your goals.
- Pet friendly spaces to balance function, aesthetics and well-being for all family members in your home.
“Cynthia is a modern day alchemist! She has the amazing gift of being able to go into a space and instinctively transform it into a healthy, abundant environment.”
— Megan Skinner